Moving House

Moving your connection

Simply login to My Compass and send a Support Request to the Compass Customer Care team.

Provide us with your;

  1. Contact details
  2. Current home address
  3. New home address
  4. Moving date

What services are available?

Check your address here to see what broadband options are available at your new house!

Fibre may now be available in your area and some current services may not be. Join the Fibre generation now and experience faster speeds with us.

When to let us know

1. Let us know when you’re moving as soon as possible. The earlier you tell us the faster we can connect you. If one or more of your services has associated hardware, equipment or physical connections, it may take additional time and expense to remove and reinstall these.

2. You can call us on 0800 640 840 or email us at retention&

3. When a connection date has been confirmed we will let you know.